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  Tuesday, 23 January 2024
  4 Replies
  385 Visits
Greetings, and much appreciation as always to the Glorian team for the many sacrifices made daily to sustain the teachings available... I have a set of questions related to pranayama. I have made the realization that I need to transmute my sexual energy more seriously. I need to be more consistent with the practice because I have procrastinated much. A couple of the things that have hindered me however I would like to address. Firstly, I have a very weak psychology. Whenever I try to visualize the sexual energy rising up my spinal column and into my brain, my visualization is very weak, and what even happens is that my mind directs visualization to other parts of my body almost like it's out of my control. This discourages me because then I wonder if I'm even sublimating the energy. What if I'm not? Is there a certain sensation I should feel to verify that I am indeed transmuting? Most of the time, I do in fact feel a pleasant heat warm my face and body when I practice. Is this the energy? My second question: can the energy still be transmuted if I practice pranayama while standing or even walking? Somehow this helps me visualize. Wird question, what happens if I don't visualize at all, and just do breathing practices? Thank you so much in advance.
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
First, work on your meditation skills, until you have stabilized you mind (for concentration). Then strengthen your visualization skill, until you can hold your visualization better. Both aspects and all necessary basics are described in this course, including exercises:

Second, as long as you work on your meditation, keep practicing Pranayama, you will need the energy. With this practice you will show your body and mind that you (the consciousness) are in charge and they will get used to support you. This is what the course above calls 'pliancy'.

Third, build up your practice. There is no need to get all the details perfectly right from the beginning. Even if you don't visualize and just focus on your breath, the act of keeping concentration will already help the transmutation.

Lastly, don't look for special sensations. Some experience them, others don't. What matters is concentration + visualization while being serene. This is the goal, start working towards it.
3 months ago
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Replying to other student's questions is against the rules
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
First, work on your meditation skills, until you have stabilized you mind (for concentration). Then strengthen your visualization skill, until you can hold your visualization better. Both aspects and all necessary basics are described in this course, including exercises:

Second, as long as you work on your meditation, keep practicing Pranayama, you will need the energy. With this practice you will show your body and mind that you (the consciousness) are in charge and they will get used to support you. This is what the course above calls 'pliancy'.

Third, build up your practice. There is no need to get all the details perfectly right from the beginning. Even if you don't visualize and just focus on your breath, the act of keeping concentration will already help the transmutation.

Lastly, don't look for special sensations. Some experience them, others don't. What matters is concentration + visualization while being serene. This is the goal, start working towards it.
3 months ago
I really appreciate your insight and advice into this matter for me. I must practice meditation exercises to strengthen my mind and consciousness. I do just have one final question: am I still able to liberate the sexual energy via pranayama while standing up and even walking, or does the body have to be still, not in motion? Will I still transmute while standing and even walking? Thank you so much once again. In truth I am blessed to have the Glorian instructors who have more experience being able to clarify the teachings for me. May your inner being grant you the full self-realization you deserve.
3 months ago
If one is concentrated only on the practice, one can transmute while walking, standing or performing i.e. Tai Chi. Yet, if the consciousness is not developed, it will be distracted most likely. So making the body, emotions and mind still helps to avoid distractions. We do not recommend to split the consciousness, especially when learning a new practice. The more engaged we are only with one thing, the better the results.
Almustafa selected the reply #30349 as the answer for this post — 3 months ago
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