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Derived from Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to turn, revolve," with derivatives referring to curved, enclosing objects. Compare to Sanskrit वलति valate "turns round," ulvam "womb, vulva." In other words, evolution refers to a process that is bound to a rotating cycle.

1640s, "to unfold, open out, expand," from Latin evolvere "to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold," especially of books; figuratively "to make clear, disclose; to produce, develop," from assimilated form of ex "out" (see ex-) + volvere "to roll," from PIE root *wel- (3) "to turn, revolve."—Online Etymology Dictionary

In esotericism, evolution is any process of growth, improvement, development, which is always followed by decline, degeneration, ande death, whereupon the cycle begins again.

"it is an absurdity to bottle up ourselves within the dogma of mechanical evolution. If the constructive principles exist in Nature, unquestionably, so too do the destructive principles. If evolution exists in every living species, likewise so too does devolution. For instance, evolution exists in the seed that dies in order for the stalk to sprout. Evolution exists in the plant that grows, that gives flowers, leaves and that finally gives fruits. Yet, devolution exists in the plant that withers, which agonizes, and that finally becomes a bunch of wood. Evolution exists in the creature that is gestated within the maternal womb, in the child who plays, and in the teenager. Yet, devolution exists in the elder who dwindles away and finally dies. When the worlds emerge from within the Chaos of life they start to evolve to a certain point, afterwards, they devolve and finally they become new moons. If we give exclusivity to mechanical evolution when we study anthropology, then we are studying it in a partial way and thus fall into error. However, if we study anthropology in the light of the law of devolution, then we march equilibrated, because evolution and devolution constitute the two laws of the mechanical axle of the whole of Nature. To say that evolution is the sole foundation for this entire, great natural mechanism is a total absurdity. We must consider life and death, the times of development and the times of decrement... In this day and age, the human mind is already so degenerated that it has become incapable of even comprehending the inverse, degenerative process on a greater scale. The minds of contemporary erudites are so trapped (bottled up within the dogma of evolution) that their minds only know how to think or function according to their own bottled up condition. This is why they attribute unto the other phenomena (that is, devolution, destruction, decadence, and degeneration) the qualification of evolution, development and progress... Alongside any evolving process there exists a degenerative, devolving process. The Law of Evolution and its twin sister the Law of Devolution work in a synchronized and harmonious way within all of creation. From the rigorously academic point of view the word evolution means development, construction, progression, improvement, advancement, edification, etc. By focusing on the purely orthodox grammatical term, we can clearly state that devolution means reverse progression, backward motion, destruction, degeneration, decadence, etc. Obviously, the Law of Antitheses coexists within any natural process." —Samael Aun Weor, Gnostic Anthropology

"Evolution: A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form." — The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

"Evolution is a process of complication of energy." —Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony (1950)

"Our physical body started as a sperm and an egg; when they joined they  began to produce something new, something different, and that is a type of evolution: a simple thing becoming something more complex. 

"There is no doubt that evolution is a law of nature, yet everything in mechanical nature is bound by a simple cycle: evolution is always followed by devolution.

"In mechanical nature, everything that evolves will also devolve. Everything that is born will die. There is nothing in mechanical nature that continually improves forever. 

"A tree produces millions of seeds. Only a few will grow. Even fewer will reach the peak of development where its full potential is expressed, and once that peak is reached, it is not sustained very long before its decline begins, and its elements are returned back to nature. This is how mechanical nature works. We are no exception.

"From uncountable seeds, only a few experience birth, childhood, youth, adulthood… then decline into old age and die. 

"In the course of a lifetime, our bodies evolve and devolve. This is true of all manifested things in mechanical nature from atoms to galaxies. 

"Evolution is characterized by improvement, the increase of beauty, harmony, freedom. Evolution makes things better. 

"Devolution is characterized by decline, degeneration, disunity, confusion, conflict. Devolution breaks things down, and always leads to death. Evolution and devolution are two sides of the wheel of mechanical nature: they cannot be separated from one another." — Sacred Sexuality, Episode One: The Purpose of Love

"It is not possible for the true Human Being (the Self-realized Being) to appear through the mechanics of evolution. We know very well that evolution and its twin sister devolution are nothing else but two laws which constitute the mechanical axis of all Nature. One evolves to a certain perfectly defined point, and then the devolving process follows. Every ascent is followed by a descent and vice-versa." — Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology