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Jesus Condemned
Jesus Demonstrating How to Sacrifice Your Pain

The Sacrifice of Pain and Sufferings for the Increase of Consciousness

Samael Aun Weor: How is pain sacrificed?

Student: By not identifying oneself with it, but trying to comprehend that it is an event that is related to karma ...

Samael Aun Weor: The answer is a bit vague...

Student: hmm!...

Samael Aun Weor: Very vague, very vague... Generally... I am going to tell you a great truth: pain is only sacrificed by self-exploring it and dissecting it. Let's have a specific case: let's say a man suddenly finds his wife talking quietly, somewhere in a room, with another man. Really, this can cause some jealousy, right?...

Now, if he finds the woman already "too quiet", in too much intimacy with subject X, there may be an outburst of jealousy, right? Accompanied by a great disappointment, right? Perhaps even a fight with the other man, in short, out of jealousy...

This causes terrible pain to the husband, to the offended husband, right? That can even give rise to a divorce, right? A horrifying moral pain...

However, although she was talking very softly, she was not doing anything wrong; but the mind can make many conjectures and although the woman denies, denies, the mind has many tricks, many twists and turns, in which many conjectures are really formed...

What to do to save yourself from that pain, how to take advantage of it? How to give up the pain that this has caused? There is a way to solve it and to sacrifice that pain. which one? The evident self-reflection of the Being, the exploration of oneself.

Are you sure, for example, that you have never had a relationship with another woman? Are you sure that one has never slept with another female? Are you sure that one has never been an adulterer, neither in this present life nor in past reincarnations? Of course not, right? Because all of us, in the past, were adulterers and fornicators, that is obvious.

If one concludes, then, that one was also a fornicator and an adulterer, then by what authority is one judging the woman? Why does one do it? In judging her, one does so without authority.

Already Jesus, the Christ, in the parable of the adulterous woman (that woman of the Christic gospels), exclaimed:

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.  When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court.  Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.” – John 8: 8-11

No one cast a stone at her, not even Jesus himself dared to condemn her... Not even Jesus himself, who was so perfect, dared... Now, with what authority would we do it?

So, who is the one who is causing us suffering, the supreme pain? Is it not perhaps the demon of jealousy? Obviously! What other demon? Self-esteem, or self-love, which has been mortally wounded, right? Self-esteem or self-love is one hundred percent selfish... and what else? The I, let's say, of self-importance (he feels very important; he will say: "I, Mr. So-and-so, and lo this woman comes here, with that kind of behavior?") see how terrible pride that of the man is! Mr. self-importance!, right? Or that other of intolerance who says: “Get out, adulteress; I condemned you, wicked; I am virtuous, blameless!” Behold then that the crime is within oneself; that type of egos are the ones that come to produce the pain...

When one has come to the conclusion that it is those egos that have caused the pain, then one concentrates on the Divine Mother Kundalini and she disintegrates those egos; thus, when these are already disintegrated, the pain ends. At the end of the pain, the consciousness remains...; then, through the sacrifice of pain, consciousness has been increased, and strength has been acquired..., through the sacrifice of pain...

Now, let's suppose that it wasn't simple jealousy, but that it went further, that there really was adultery, really; then the divorce will have to come, because that is authorized by the divine law, right? In that case, it can also be said with absolute certainty that that pain can also be sacrificed and say: “Well, she already committed adultery; Am I sure I have never adulterated? Of course I did so. So why do I condemn her? I have no right to condemn anyone, because whoever feels free of sin, cast the first stone... So, who is it that is giving me the pain? The egos of intolerance, self-importance, jealousy, self-love, etc.”...

So, if you came to the conclusion that those egos are the ones that are causing the pain, then, let us work to disintegrate them and the pain disappears, it is eliminated. why? Because one has sacrificed himself and that brings an increase in consciousness, because those energies that were involved in the pain are released; it brings not only the peace of the tranquil heart, but it also brings an increase in consciousness, an increasing of consciousness; that is called “sacrificing the pain”.

But people are capable of anything, except to sacrifice their pains. They love their pains very much. Yet it turns out that the greatest pains are those that offer one the best opportunities for awakening, for the awakening of the consciousness... But one must learn how to sacrifice pain.

And there are many kinds of pain: for example, an insulter, right? What results from an insulter? Well, the desire for immediate revenge, very immediately. Why? For the words that have been spoken.

But if one does not identify with the egos of revenge, it is clear that we would not answer the insult with the insult; but if one identifies with the egos of revenge, they in turn relate one to other more perverse egos, and one ends up in the hands of terribly perverse egos doing nonsense and a half.

Because just as a city exists outside of us (for example, Mexico City, or any city in the world where one lives), so too, within oneself there is a psychological city; that's clear.

Just as in this city of urban life, common and current, there are people of all kinds: colonies of good people, colonies of bad people, so it also happens with the inner city, with the psychological city; Many people live in that psychological city, many people (our own egos are those people who live there) and there are colonies of decidedly perverse people; and there are colonies of average people and there are colonies of more or less select people (our own psychological city is that).

If one identifies, for example, with an ego of revenge, this in turn relates one to other egos from very slums, where murderers, thieves, etc. live, and by relating to them, they in turn come to and they control you, they control your brain and you end up doing a lot of barbarity and a half, and you end up, finally, in jail...

But how, then, can one avoid falling into such absurdities? Well, by not identifying with the insulter, not identifying...

There are I's within oneself that dictate what one must do and tell us: "Answer, take revenge, pull out the nail, get even!"... If one identifies with them, one ends up doing it: answering, well, the insulter; one ends up taking revenge, getting even, etc. But if you don't identify with the ego that is telling you to do such a foolish thing, well, then one doesn't do that.

In any case, the insulter leaves, let's say, at the bottom of the insulted one, or the offended one, the pain. The interesting thing would be that the offended one could sacrifice that pain; and one can sacrifice it through meditation.

Comprehend that the insulter is a machine that is controlled by a certain insulting ego, and that one has been insulted by an ego. Also comprehend that one is a machine and that inside one has insulting egos. So, if one compares and says: “That one insults me, but inside me I also have many insulting egos; Well, I have no reason to condemn that one, since I carry the same as that one; and if I also carry insult I's within me, then I don't have to condemn it... Besides, what is it that has hurt me? Possibly self-love, possibly pride. But first I have to find out if it was self-love, or if it was pride, or what"...

When one has discovered who it was that was hurt, well, if it was pride, then to disintegrate pride; if it was self-love, then to disintegrate self-love. This gives as a result, that by disintegrating that, one is free from pain, one has sacrificed pain and in its replacement a virtue has been born: that of serenity (one has awakened even more)...

You have to take this into account and learn to sacrifice pain. People are capable of sacrificing everything, except pain: they love their own suffering very much, they idolize it; behold the mistake.

Learning to sacrifice one's own pain is what is interesting in order to awaken the consciousness. Sure, it's not easy, the work is hard; going against oneself is something very hard, it is not very sweet. But it is worth going against oneself, for the outcome that is going to be obtained is the awakening... So, are you understanding?...

Student: Now, suddenly it would be ridiculous to ask you something that comes to my mind right now: as I realize that nobody, or almost nobody has that capacity for analysis that you have... such deep work, no? But, what is it that has given you this capacity for analysis?

Samael Aun Weor: I am going to be honest with you: in the beginning, the capacity for analysis (although I thought it was extraordinary), was, with respect to the current capacity that I have, somewhat incipient. The current capacity that I have developed, then, came from an incipient capacity. This capacity for current analysis does not come from anything else but the dissolution of the ego. It turns out that when one has an ego it is very clumsy, but when one disintegrates the ego, the essence become free; and such free essence gives one intelligence.

But the one with ego thinks he is smart. He isn't, but he thinks he is and he isn't. He may be intellectual, but it is one thing to be intellectual and another thing is to be intelligent. A full differentiation must be made between the intellectual and the intelligent.

When one annihilates the ego, then intelligence emerges, but in a natural, spontaneous manner. When one has no ego, one is intelligent. But when one does have an ego (although one thinks one is very intelligent because one has read or belongs to this or that school, or is a magnificent intellectual) one is not, one is not intelligent. That is the reality of the facts...

When I had an ego, I thought I had a great capacity for analysis. After destroying the ego, I have come to comprehend that at that time my capacity for analysis was incipient; even I thought it was gigantic for the fact of having read. Only time came to show me that it was not as great as I thought.

So, the important thing in life is to have that capacity for self-evident self-reflection. But this comes out with the annihilation of the ego, so one can see things more clearly.

This is why there are nine kinds of reasoning. First of all, I am referring to objective reasoning, not to subjective reasoning, but to the other. Subjective reasoning is different from objective reasoning, because objective reasoning is based on the consciousness; the consciousness, we could say, provides the data to the interior mind so that it can reason.

Thus, that reasoning capacity of the interior mind is wonderful, it is formidable, because it only works with the springs of the consciousness. Because the interior mind has nine degrees of development.

How could the degree of development of the objective reasoning or interior mind of people be known? It is known, exclusively, in the horns...

Student: in what?

Samael Aun Weor: In the horns... So if a single trident appears on the horns, for example, it indicates that one, after attaining liberation, has developed from objective reasoning (until now) the first degree; but if two tridents appear, that person would be in the second degree of objective reasoning; if three tridents appear: in the third degree of objective reasoning; if four tridents appear: in the fourth degree of objective reasoning; if five tridents appear: it is already most venerable in the entire megalocosm; but if six tridents appear: oh! one has reached the degree, as Gurdjieff says, of Anklad; one has reached the sacred Anklad.

Six tridents are held only by those who have done the great work, nothing more. But that does not stop there, because from the sixth degree of development of objective reasoning to which one must arrive, which is the common eternal cosmic Father, from there are still three more degrees.

Whoever reaches the ninth degree of development in the interior mind, unquestionably is already perfectly perfect in all its fullness, can already submerge himself within the bosom of the common eternal cosmic Father.

In any case, the degree of development of objective reasoning is known by the tridents on the horns. Okay. But it could be said that only the demons have horns, no, everything has its pros and cons. While it is true, for example, that electricity can be used for industrial uses, it is also used to kill...

Today reasoning is turned into a devil, people have reasoning turned into a devil. Seen from within, with the sense of psychological self-observation developed, a true devil can be seen. That's how wretched people have it...

But when one begins to disintegrate the ego, it begins to whiten. When one knows how to sacrifice his own sufferings, one begins to whiten it. When one has completely disintegrated the ego, it shines gloriously, and by integrating with the initiate it transforms him into an archangel, because he himself becomes an archangel.

And he will always keep his horns. But on the horns are the tridents, and the number of tridents signifies the degree of development reached in the objective reasoning of the Being.

So that getting one to be able to, let's say, understand, analyze or, let's say, discern with objective reasoning the most transcendental truths of the spirit, of the Being, is something great, isn't it? But that is not achieved overnight, but through the development of objective reasoning. And objective reasoning can only develop through successive awakenings of the consciousness.

As the consciousness awakens more and more, as it becomes more and more objective, as it develops and grows in each one of us, so too and in the same way, its vehicle, the interior mind, develops. That is to say, the functionalisms of objective reasoning are obviously developing.

But let us distinguish between objective reasoning and subjective reasoning. People have developed subjective reasoning, but they do not have the objective reasoning of the Being, because there are three minds.

The sensual mind elaborates its concepts of content, with the data provided by the senses; the sensual mind cannot know anything about the truth, neither about God, nor about the universe, because this reasoning is of a perfectly subjective type.

The intermediate mind, where the beliefs are deposited, cannot know anything about the reality either.

Finally, the interior mind, this is the vehicle of the consciousness. As the consciousness awakens, the interior mind develops in its objective analytical processes in an extraordinary manner.

So the one whoever reaches, for example, the total development of the ninth degree, and manages to have the nine tridents on the horns of his particular, individual lucifer, has undoubtedly become absolutely aware of the reality, of the truth, since you can even process analysis on it; he is a god...

Student: A Paramarthasatya?

Samael Aun Weor: It could be said, Paramarthasatya. But such statures are not reached except through the successive awakenings of the consciousness, and one cannot reach these successive awakenings of the consciousness, but by sacrificing pain, learning to sacrifice one's own suffering. Because, in truth, every time one sacrifices suffering, awareness increases, and more psychological strength is acquired.

That is perfectly, let's say, evidenced. Sacrifice the pain: that is the most extraordinary key there is to process the awakening of the consciousness. These various awakenings, in turn, are, we could say, increasing or intensifying the development of objective reasoning, which belongs, as I already said, to the deep interior mind.

Along this path one is liberated: one has to increase one's consciousness and as one increases one's consciousness, one "kills" karma, and one "kills" it!: if someone, for example, becomes aware of the pain caused by a business badly done (suppose for example), discovers that the ego of egoism was active; then he disintegrates it and “kills” karma; or he discovers that the ego of ambition was active, he "kills" karma by disintegrating it.

And if people took advantage of even the smallest pain of their lives to sacrifice it, at the time of death they would disincarnate without karma, with completely lucid consciousness, awake and without karma...

Now, in practice we have been able to show that, really, others are not the ones that cause us the pain, the suffering; the sufferings we produce ourselves.

For example, suppose one of you had his wallet stolen by a thief. Then you say: “I have just been robbed, I have lost my money!” Then comes the anguish: "I'm out of money!" The awful suffering: "I ran out of money, and now what do I do?"... But let's see: did the thief cause us pain, or who? And of course, you would say: "the thief"... But if you explore yourself, you will discover that within you is the ego of attachment to money, or attachment to the wallet; behind it can also be the ego of fear that exclaims: "and now what will I do without money?"...

So, there is the ego of attachment and the ego of fear; those egos produce anguish. But if one through meditation sacrifices pain, then one understands that money is temporary, that material things are vain and illusory; if one becomes aware of that truth, if that truth does not simply remain in the intellect but remains in the consciousness; if one comes to comprehend that he was attached to his wallet and his money; If one comes to comprehend that one is afraid of seeing himself without money in the face of life's problems, then one naturally intends to put an end to those two egos: the one of fear and the one of attachment, right?

One says: "I am going to sacrifice the pain, because it is vain and illusory", and one dissects that pain and comes to comprehend that it is vain and illusory (because the wallet, the money, all these are perishable things), well ends up disintegrating the ego of attachment to money and the ego of fear. And in that way pain is sacrificed and the pain disappears.

But, really, when you get to that point, I say, one comes to realize who it really was that was causing the pain: it was not the thief that caused the pain, but the ego of attachment to material things. and the ego of fear.

And one comes to see it after sacrificing pain, after disintegrating the egos of fear and attachment; and one comes to comprehend why pain disappears absolutely... ... the causes of pain are carried within oneself, not outside oneself, but within.

If you don't sacrifice pain, you will never be happy. And the causes of pain are not outside oneself but within oneself... I have come to these reflections.

Student: It is that this type of reflections are very necessary for the students of the third chamber because you establish bases, let's say, in your books, or in (well, more than anything in your books, right?). But in the aspect of the third chamber (the psychological part), it is of a frightening help to the students now, of course, because there they find, let's say, a support towards what are, let's say, the analyzes of many aspects of the ego that not one can penetrate into them for lack of ability. I think the psychological aspect in the third chamber is quite important...

Samael Aun Weor: I would have liked to develop the psychological aspect, but since there was a marriage ceremony, my Being oriented everything towards alchemy. But the psychological aspect is fundamental, it is fundamental...

But what hurts you the most is identifying yourself. Because if an I, for example, says to one: "take revenge on the one who has caused you pain", and suggests to one the idea of ​​taking revenge, and one identifies with the ego who is there suggesting those ideas, well one ends up, after all, taking revenge.

Now, how do the egos relate to each other? Think of a city: the psychological city; it has, let's say, neighborhoods where “healthy” people live and neighborhoods where perverse people live; colonies where "healthy" and perverse people live and a little of everything; more or less bad suburbs and regular suburbs, etc., full of many people...

All those people who live in that psychological city that we carry inside, are our own egos, they are people, people...

And those people, well, take advantage of any opportunity to manifest themselves through us.

For example: if one pays a lot of attention to an ego of revenge, then one identifies with it, gets lost in it, lives in it and ends up doing what the ego wants: one commits very serious mistakes that land one in jail.

This would seem to me in the physical world, for example, to the case of a person... In the physical world there are many people; Let's suppose that any person could get lost in one, for a second then one would be doing the barbarities that such person has in his mind, right? Well, this is something similar.

Those people who live in the psychological city, then, are the egos. And if one pays a lot of attention to a perverse ego, that one relates one to inhabitants of the most perverse neighborhoods of the psychological city; and those others relate him to other worse perverts who live in the different streets of the psychological city; conclusion: one ends up doing barbarities.

So the most serious thing is to identify oneself with those egos. what would we say (it would be the breaking point of the matter), right? That a citizen who is passing by on the street could get lost in onesef? It would be horrible, wouldn't it? It is the same thing that happens with the egos: the “citizens” who live within our psychological city they try to lose themselves in one to do barbarities.

Student: They settle down...

Samael Aun Weor: They settle down within oneself; one in them and they in one, and one ends doing incongruous things, doing and saying, doing and saying incongruous things...

And, let's say, the tricks that they have to get inside one and to get lost in one, is precisely the identification. The most serious thing is to identify with those "people" who live in our psychological city, it is the most serious...Well, let's go to meditate.

Everything is recorded here on this tape for those who listen to it.

Let us continue learning how to sacrifice our own sufferings...

Student: Such is the key, right?

Samael Aun Weor: Of course, provoke awakenings by thousands; sacrifice one's own sufferings...

Student: To sacrifice our own sufferings...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, that is the key..., but people are not willing to sacrifice theirs, they love them too much. But if one sacrifices them, one achieves awakening; and this is how the following awakenings come.

Student: Awakenings come through pain, right? Psychological pain?

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, pain comes from sacrificing pain. But the outcome is the awakening. Total: with that work one is free. That's why life is worth living, right? Because one has the opportunity, precisely, to sacrifice himself.

Student: And this opportunity is within us every day, master...

Samael Aun Weor: And at every moment.

Student: And at every moment...

Samael Aun Weor: There are many people who surround us and give us suffering, I would say. But who provides us with the sufferings... ...the reality is that the sufferings are provided to one by the egos that one carries within. The causes of pain are not outside of one, but within one; that’s the reality...

That is, the one who reaches the sacred Anklad has done the great work. However, from there, to the bosom of the common eternal cosmic Father (which is the Absolute, the all-merciful), it is necessary to go through three more degrees of perfection of objective reasoning. Which means that you have to become fully aware of all the great transcendental truths of the Being.

In such a way that whoever submerges himself within the bosom of the common eternal cosmic Father, his objective reasoning reaches absolute perfection. One has become fully aware of divinity and can fully verbalize it.

He has a unique omniscience ability, doesn't he? Because one thing is the truth in the abstract, and another thing is the truth already, perfect... ...and even verbalized through objective reasoning. That's the difference.

A similar difference, one might say (ie, an exact parallel to be clear), there is between raw gold and a precious jewel... ...polished. One thing is the truth in abstract and another thing is the truth already expressed in objective form through perfected objective reasoning...

Student: The jewel is polished...

Samael Aun Weor: Of course, one has to know, well, how to understand this. The tridents indicate the degree of perfection of objective reasoning; that's obvious.

In any case, then, the basis for perfecting objective reasoning rests on the fact that one is more or less "dead."

Now, only Christus-Lucifer with his tridents can show us exactly the way. Why? Because simply (this is a great truth), Christus-Lucifer is the one who gives the sexual impulse and the material for the great work.

Christus-Lucifer descends to our own atomic infernos to serve as a ladder and to climb; that is the great thing about Christus-Lucifer.

Christus-Lucifer is rebellious, and it is clear that the pietists, prudes, ignoramuses, are frightened by the determinations of the Christus-Lucifer Nahua, because of his revolution and his wisdom... ... Lucifer, the Lord Lucifer, is interesting. If anything, Christus-Lucifer is the best for mortals...