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Tomb of Pakal, Palenque
Tomb of Pakal, Palenque

Dialogue on the Mayan and Nahua Cultures, Pacal, and Palenque

Student: In the entire center of the valley of Mexico, there is a mountain. But until I got there to the mountain, I realized that this mountain is a volcano, master (which is in the center of the mountain), right? Here it is the valley of Mexico, and there is a pyramid in the entire center, in the entire center there is a pyramid, master, and of course it is destroyed, right? But then, we realize that there is a circle in the center of the mountain, right? In other words, inside the pyramid, and like here are the other ancient Aztec citadels (many cities), where at certain times of the year a fire was lit, here, for ceremonial rites; then from here the signals were given for the others. right, master? And they communicated by snail shells, they showed me..., by snail shells...


Samael Aun Weor: It is a caller, calling through a snail shell...

Student: Yes master, that's it. And the fire that they lit here was a message, to announce ceremonial rites...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, the ceremonial rites... Above all, the towns that celebrated every 52 years the renewal of the fires; that was used a lot in ancient times: the renewal of fires every 52 years...

Student: Yes master; and here they put oils and resins, to light that fire. is that true?

Samael Aun Weor: The sacred fire. Every 52 years they held special parties, special fire rituals...

Student: Yes. Master, another thing that they allowed me to perceive is that there are some caves here, inside this mountain; and here is a giant treasure, stored away. Outside there is a temple, what is there, right, master? There is a temple in pure gold (well, that's how I perceive it). right, master?

Samael Aun Weor: Yes...

Student: And there is a treasure stored there, giant... And I don't know if it is Moctezuma's treasure, or whose treasure it is, master.

Samael Aun Weor: Well, Moctezuma's treasure is not there...

Student: But it's a treasure, right, master?

Samael Aun Weor: There is a treasure there, but it is not Moctezuma's.

Student: And when the conquerors came, they kept it there, master, right? in the center of that mountain?

Samael Aun Weor:  Well, the Nahua gods left behind all their treasures stored away. As for the Spanish conquerors, I have not investigated that case. The Nahuas did leave their treasures stored away...

Student: No, no, what I mean, master, is that when the Spanish conquerors arrived, well, they hid their treasures... Since they knew they were coming...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, the native people... ...hid their wealth, their values, their precious stones, which symbolized or allegorized certain virtues, etc., etc., etc. That's obvious.

Student: Yes, master, and that is, in each pyramid we did little meditations, right?

Samael Aun Weor: Correct!

Student: And today when we went to bring the...

Samael Aun Weor: Actually, about anthropology, I have read almost nothing (if anything, I have read almost nothing).

Student: But you know everything!...

Samael Aun Weor: However, all of this that exists here, among the Nahuas and that exists among the Mayans, I know everything (complete, everything). It has been, even known to me, by giving many instructions about all that, why? Because in ancient times, I was related to this great culture, with these Mayan and Nahua cultures. I had to come from Atlantis, driving caravans...

Student: Master, right that there were camels, that they came here on camels too?

Samael Aun Weor: They did come, but from the north of the Gulf of Mexico, where there was a strip of land that connected to Africa, through Atlantis...

Student: We have seen camels...

Samael Aun Weor: And then caravans certainly came. They stayed in the "caravansins", kind of restaurants or cafes (we would rather say restaurants or hotels); there they stayed. I always met these black people who came, when they came from Africa, through Atlantis. I knew all that, and many times I also had to lead the pilgrims to Teotihuacán and Yucatán, and all that. That is why I know all that wisdom of the ancient Nahuas, Mayas, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc. There is a lot of head shapes out there, of a subject with black features. A subject that I knew... That is due to a memory of the African initiates who came here...

Student: [student arriving]. I'm interested in hearing that... [others arrive and settle down]...

Samael Aun Weor: I repeat: I knew that ancient wisdom of the Nahuas, Mayas, Zapotecs, Toltecs, etc. And I already told you that I haven't read almost anything about anthropology (I haven't read, to be clearer). What I know in autochthonous matters is something completely experienced by myself; because when the caravans came, which came from North Africa (from all of Africa, but especially from North Africa) up here, I witnessed many things. There were caravans that came from Atlantis, caravans that came from Africa, through Atlantis...

There was a strip of land that communicated with Africa, to the north of the Gulf of Mexico.

There I always found many caravans that came (of Africans) that came through Atlantis and arrived in the north of Mexico. And I met them: black Africans who stayed in the caravansins (kind of hotels that existed). There they stayed, there they settled...

Olmec Colossal Head

And there were also black African initiates. Still, as a reminder of that, a guy with a large head appears, with prominent cheekbones and an African mouth, an African nose... Anthropologists call them, they say, the "Olmecs." Well, I hear what they say, but I say what I know. What they say is one thing, and what I know is another...

If you look at those stone heads (huge, big, with African features), they are certainly African! They were made in remembrance of those African initiates who came from Africa through Atlantis.

Africa was not called “Africa” at that time; it was then a small continent: the continent of Grabonci.

Student: Grabonci?

Samael Aun Weor: Grabonci! And that continent was not very big; the continent of Grabonci was small...

But later, after the submersion of Atlantis, new lands emerged from the bottom of the seas and were added to that continent and it grew, it became big. But in those times, of which I am speaking to you, the continent of Grabonci was very small.

But the African initiates came from Africa, through Atlantis, and reached the north of the Gulf of Mexico, and entered the entire country. And as a consequence of this, the descendants raised monuments and then carved heads, as a testimony of those African people.

Olmec Colossal Head2

But, you really notice that these carved heads do not coincide with any of the pre-colombian races, established here in the country; those carved heads are completely African type...

Student: African...

Samael Aun Weor: African! where did it come from? Memories of that time!

With the sinking of Atlantis, that land [which communicated with Africa through the north of the Gulf of Mexico] disappeared. It's over, the ocean swallowed that strip of land and there were colossal changes. For example, normally I liked to live in a very quiet valley, where the Gulf of Mexico is today. It happened that with the great catastrophe, then that valley was flooded by the waters and today it is the Gulf of Mexico.

There were terrible changes in the geology. This was filled with many kingdoms; I loved living from kingdom to kingdom... it was full of kingdoms...

Student: You were visiting all of this, master?

Samael Aun Weor: I visited all these kingdoms, and these kingdoms were not called "Mexico", they had different names, according to the kings, according to their traditions. Sure, later Mexico, with the Mexicas, came to take its name from ancient Mexico; but at that time that I am telling you about, there were many kingdoms, many... I knew all of them...

And all that knowledge and everything that is in those stones (that whole thing), is transcendental esoteric knowledge. It has been or will be my turn to unveil them, and it has been my turn to unveil them. I witnessed the cults that were held, both in Yucatan and in ancient Tenochtitlan and neighboring places.

But observe a very curious thing: that type of carved African heads (to which I am alluding), does not fit, really, within any of the existing cultures here. It is something different, something strange, something different, something that has nothing to do with those current cultures.

Student: Indeed, these carved African heads do not fit, neither within the Nahua nor within the Mayan. We have always observed that, for a long time. We have observed them for a long time: they do not fit, they are not the same. The sculptures, the human expressions, that is, everything, does not fit.

Samael Aun Weor: They don't fit!...

Student: Well, and those stones, which are like that, and stones like that... what purpose were they for? They are stones like that and then there are some very large ones that one cannot explain how...

Olmec Colossal Head3

Student 2. Ah, that, what I told you! This one, that there in Villa Hermosa, in Tabasco (it is also said to be from the Olmec culture). There is a construction that is rectangular, but it is made up of huge monoliths, huge rocks, huge stones that have this arrangement, let's say, like this: they are nailed, they are embedded in the ground and like this, like a large "cage" in the entire center of the quadrilateral; truth? And then also up there, you have some big rocks like this, from column to column, right? But no, they don't have regularity, or symmetry, or anything else. They are huge, placed like this, let's say, that they form a kind of cage. But it is huge. Each one of those embedded rocks, then, will be about six meters high.

Student: Made by giants!

Student 2: Yes, it seems; maybe they can be to eat. But I think they were, yes, to eat...

Student: I have never explained to myself what that was for. I can't find what it was for...

Student 2. They are like a kind of house... The ones that are like this, too, are separated, it's like a cage.

Student: Could it be the structure of a house, master, and then covered with other things, for housing?

Student 2. Well, only that they covered them with palm leaves, or with herbs, or with something else...

Student: The structure of a house? 

Samael Aun Weor: Certain house structures and all that. But the curious thing is that such large stones were not loaded as many believe, no! Then the stones were kneaded, the rocks were kneaded by means of a certain formula that has been lost today...

Student: Kneaded with herbs, master?

Samael Aun Weor: With plants. The rock was kneaded and each stone was duly placed, duly kneaded; there was no need to load them...

Student: Could it be that they were loaded in little pieces and shaped?...

Samael Aun Weor: No, they didn't load them, they kneaded them right there they were doing it, kneading them!...

Student 2: That explains about the "Ameca balls" that we saw that are very round, and they are gigantic...

Student: Right there (on the same very place) they kneaded them!

Student 2: A. Q. knows a person who has the secret of the kneading of rocks; he has some molded sculptures, in kneaded rocks...

Samael Aun Weor: This is how they kneaded rocks in the past ...

Student: Master Samael, can you give us the kneading key?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, I don't have that key; or at least, at this moment, I don't remember that formula, I don't remember it... Later it may be that I will remember it, but right now I'm not remembering it...

Student: Master, I want to ask you another question: when we were today in the center, well, of the Valley of Mexico, there on the hill, after we evidenced the treasure that is stored there and its golden temple, also, what did I tell you now master, well, the resins were prepared, right? And they had them there to celebrate the rites in community within the valley of Mexico, but something that I believe is as an explanation, this came to my understanding, that mother nature made this valley conscientiously, as a magnetic center, as a “navel ”, as a thing of energy, because it is formed as if by a zero (the hill of mountains) and in the center the unit. A creation of mother nature, well, conscientiously, master; like a powerful magnetic center...

Samael Aun Weor: There are many magnetic points there... ...wonderful rites,... ...extraordinary cults that were celebrated in Yucatan... ...formidable. There were cults and all kinds of altars, but the most important was the cycle of the renewal of fire... ...of the renewal of fire, every 52 years. It is a very special cult. There is a cycle of fire, every 52 years..., every 52 years...

Student: Master, and every 52 years the fire was lit here, in the center?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, it was renewed, there was a renewal, the entire liturgy came, an extraordinary liturgy that has been lost..., it has been lost...

Student: A change, something new for everyone?

Samael Aun Weor: New fire!...

Student: New fire!...

Samael Aun Weor: But all that liturgy of fire has been lost. Snail shells were also used as incense for smoke offerings: yellow, black snail incense for smoke offerings...

Student: As incense for smoke offerings...

Samael Aun Weor: First: black, white, yellow and red. They were reduced to powder and used as incense for smoke offerings, then; in religious festivals in which Venus was worshiped...

Student: Great!...

Student: That is why it is called “Citlaltépetl”, that is, it would be “hill of the star”... But, what is the relationship, master, between those known as the “seven goats” or “Pleiades”, with the sun? ? Because, precisely, on that date in which the 52-year cycle was completed, those stars should have passed perpendicularly to the hill. And if they did, they took it for granted that at dawn the sun should rise. Because it is predicted that at the end of a cycle of 52 years, the end of the fifth sun will happen. That, over 52 years, does it imply a greater cycle? We know that the annual cycle of 52 days covers a septenary, right? So, there must be a major septenary.

Samael Aun Weor: Naturally! Just as within one cosmos there is another cosmos, and within that other cosmos there is another, likewise, within the seven cycles of 52 years, there are other seven even larger cycles, which encompass, then, the entire humanity. Now, for example, we are inside the largest cycle; we are exactly, in the fifth sun. So, at this time we await the great catastrophe. And that event will be in the katun-13 of the Mayans, when the katun-13 arrives. Katun-13 will enter the year 2043.

Student: Is the katun also a cycle? Some say that it is a cycle of 20 years each katun, but I believe that it is not so, but 52 years.

Samael Aun Weor: No; there are small cycles and within the small cycles, there are larger cycles, and within the large ones there are much larger ones. So, for example, katun-13 is something wonderful, isn't it? In the year 2043, the katun-13 will enter and when the katun-13 enters, the great catastrophe will come; it comes in the katun-13 of the Mayans.

The Nahuas assure that "the children of the fifth sun will perish by fire and earthquakes"...

But there are seven cycles (52-year cycles, which are small), but within those seven 52-year cycles, the fifth sun figures in bigger and bigger form, right? For example, the fifth sun belongs to the Aryan root race; the fourth sun, to the Atlantean root race; third sun, to the the Lemurians; second sun, to the Hyperboreans; first sun, to the people of the polar or protoplasmic epoch. We are in the fifth sun. At this time the great catastrophe is awaited, by fire and earthquakes.

Now, as for the Pleiades, properly speaking, we currently have inhabitants who come from the Pleiades. The Pleiades are closely related to the Atlantean archipelago; The seven Pleiades correspond to the seven most important islands of Atlantis. And it happens that the Nahuas were descendants of Atlantis; then they spoke of the Pleiades (knowledge that through the Toltecs, was inherited from Atlantis).

So, the Pleiades are very important: they are naturally related to the seven sacred islands and the seven root races of humanity. If they pass through the entire center of the hill of the star (because they made exact calculations), it will be favorable. But if the passage of meridians, longitude, latitude..., well, they didn't talk about "meridians", like we do, right? But, exactly, "it happened" and that's it. If it was not exact, then certain calamities, wars, etc. could be deduced from it.

Student: What a wisdom these people had!...

Samael Aun Weor: Very much! All of that is wonderful, isn't it? In the "hill of the star", then, a lot of worship was paid to cosmic things. And of course, it did not stop being celebrated every 52 years, as is natural, the renewal of the fire...

Student: Master, when we were there, despite one being a "lunar humanoid", an "intellectual animal", right? But internally we felt an euphoria, and we felt the masters, we felt that there was something special, right? We feel a great and terrific joy, master; a joy in our hearts, when we got there...

Samael Aun Weor: Well, you were refreshing in your memory the knowledge that you once had. You were in all those things, you knew all those rites that were performed there, on the hill of the star...

Student: Yes, master, and I even saw myself in the times when people celebrated the fifty-two years processes, in that time when the fire was lit. My person was there, who helped that process...

Samael Aun Weor: Let's go to the terrace since it's terribly hot here, don't you feel the heat?

Student 2: Master, you feel hot because of the hot peppermint tea we drank...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, it will be because of that tea!

Student: ...a joy that forced us to exclaim: “finally, finally we're back!”

Samael Aun Weor: In any case, you were a priest of these lands; you were a priest, an ancient initiate. You worked, then, in these Anahuac temples. And now, it is necessary for you to refresh your knowledge as an old priest of ancient Mexico... yourself had certain knowledge that you have forgotten: like when you picked a rose, for example, right?, a flower, a rose..., you knew how to search there, to predict: through the petals, you reached the heart of the rose and found certain signatures that allowed you to predict certain cosmic events. But that was in that ancient age... Knowledge that today has been lost. For now, all you have left is to count the number of petals, so you can orient yourself. That will give you the corresponding arcanum and the relationship with the Pleiades...

Student 3: Master, when I wake up (I told you, right? In the morning), master, at four in the morning I woke up and heard them telling me: "they had just appointed you a priest of Tlaloc".


Samael Aun Weor: Well, it's not that “they just named you”: it's that you are!

Student 2: Master, we haven't told you... the pyramid of Malinalco; there we were received with euphoria. And from there, for this reason, sir, when entering the temple of the eagle knights and the tiger knights, there is a container there, carved into the floor (of course, the profane say that this is where the hearts were thrown). But immediately we perceived that this was where the fire was lit.

So, even though it is an archaeological zone (with guards and all that stuff), we had the audacity, with the group we had, to light a fire there. Immediately, pretend that it was like an oven, because the fire began to crackle, to feel as if an air were stirring it and the fire grew in a wonderful way.

Then we had to turn it off because the guard was coming, but inside we felt great joy...

...when we heard that the masters told us that... had been thousands of years since the fire was lit there; It had been thousands of years since visitors like that had come there, like that group we were going to. In which we perceive that there was a sister who was once a priestess there...

Then we went to another temple. Also, in similar circumstances, we were received with joy. When we entered there, we did not think that they would receive us with such a joy.

When we arrived at another temple (and that was in Tenayuca) they received us with great solemnity, they gave us a staff and some arrows.

Then we went to the temple of Quetzalcóatl, in Cholula. On the first occasion we were received very severely; not only with solemnity, not only seriously, but very severely.

So, we were afraid to go back, but, of course, we had to go. We took two brothers there and on this occasion, on the contrary, we were treated with a refined..., with an ineffable harmony, and with a lot of love...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, you are a priest (about that vivid experience, a priest of Tlaloc), that is true...

Student 2: Then, in Teotihuacán (there in a temple where the paintings are), once we went and in a meditation... ...they gave us a cape; a cape, but like the one that the ancestors used, a cape covered with feathers. This, of course, we had never told absolutely to anyone.

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, that is your heritage, your secret heritage. Naturally, now you have to go back, again, to get up, to go back, again to officiate, you have to go back to your Being...

Student 2: There, in the temple of Tenayuca, the previous time, before giving us that cane and those arrows, we were told: "Finally you have returned, after a long pilgrimage!"...

Samael Aun Weor: And the pilgrimage was quite long and hard! So now you're on the path.

Student: Along the "little path"...

Samael Aun Weor: Now there is a need to go back to officiating, to go back to acting, as you acted in those days, always with wisdom. You must remember that not only the great pyramid in Egypt was oriented towards Sirius at a certain time, but also here, even the pyramid of the sun coincided with Sirius at certain times. And some temples and pyramids, here, still at that time, were also heading towards Sirius. Sirius was worshiped a lot, not only in Egypt, but also in the ancient towns here, in Mexico.

Student 4: In a pyramid in Guatemala, in an internal experience, I saw that I had been thrown out of the temple for having revealed the secrets; because I have never come to understand why the secret of the great arcanum, which humanity needs so much, was kept. I bring the memory that, for this reason, I have been thrown more than once from the temples.

Samael Aun Weor: For disclosing the great arcanum. It was a violation to hand it over...

Student: It was a violation to hand it over...

Samael Aun Weor: It was very serious! In Egypt, for example, whoever disclosed the great arcanum was taken to the foot of a wall (where crocodile skins and all that stuff appeared), and then he was beheaded there.

Student: It was terrible...

Student 4: That's why...

Student: Mr. Ch., what is the name of the temple where there are two funerary urns? At the entrance of the temple are the two... ...of fire, where is that?

Student 5: That one is in front of the temple that is in front of Tenayuca...

Student: What's that one's name?

Student: Ah, master, sorry! I would like to ask you: there, in that city of St. Cecilia, there is a pyramid and it has two large incense burners; So, we went in and they were talking and then... ...up there, master. But in that temple, especially, they do not dress as they dress in other temples, which are with their different robes, so I saw the very exalted masters, very pure, that is, some great initiates, the most I have been able to evidence, master; and used their pavilions of feathers; And these masters were different, right? So, there was a meeting of masters. So, a master talked about me, right? That I had committed very serious crimes, and I was with a master of the law there; others spoke for me. Then there was a meeting there of masters. And maybe my Father..., there was a meeting there, well, that allowed me to continue, right? But something special happened there, master, in that ceremony, something happened... And then, what I didn't understand was why that meeting was held, master. And a master like from the law, right? And others defended me...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, accusations...

Student: There is something very important, master, and it is the extraordinary cultural richness of the Mayans and Nahuas, which is beginning to be seen, by university students, from different angles...

Samael Aun Weor: You have to see the incalculable riches of the Mayans, and of Christianity among the Mayans!

What would we say, for example, of the decapitated person, in which seven serpents appear instead of the head: two groups of three, with the sublime crowning of the seventh tongue of fire, which unites us with the one, with the law, with the Father...?

Student: Where is that?

Samael Aun Weor: It is among the Mayans, there in Yucatan; I found it in a stone that was there.

Students: ...

Samael Aun Weor: They are the seven serpents..., the seven serpents...

Students: ...

Student: Master, this is Cuicuilco. So, this was all covered, well, and here there is lava that covers this side of the mountain (when there were the great earthquakes) and in the meditation we saw the mother kundalini in the form of a serpent, inside, that is, the same figure that has an external, so we could deduce that it was a snake that is coiled here; We saw that inside this pyramid in Cuicuilco.

And also, master, we have been able to verify that each pyramid has a wisdom, that is, it specializes in something. For example, in this one we grasp the origin of humanity, the origin of humans...

Samael Aun Weor: Of course! Each sector is different. that's true! It contains different doctrinal aspects...

Student: Yes. Here master, we saw that before the construction of these pyramids as you explain to us in the book of the The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac, large "huts" were made, in cane and then there were many around this pyramid and then came the construction of the pyramids, but before the construction of the pyramids there were great huts...

Samael Aun Weor: Yes, before the construction of the pyramids, Atlantis was still in full activity.

The pyramids are from the time of Atlantis. Like the great Tenochtitlán, it is not yet a Nahua civilization. It's not like these "super-civilized" Spaniards who came here believe, who believed it was from the year 1325, somewhere else, that's false.

The culture of ancient Tenochtitlán (as of the sacred lands of the Mayab, etc., etc.), is from the time of Atlantis, thousands and thousands and thousands of years before the arrival of the Spaniards.

Well, a civilization is not going to rise up, as those foolish Gachupins believe, overnight, in the space of about 100 or 200 years? That is absurd!

Student: Master, the same goes for the Egyptian pyramids (as you told us) from this time, from the past time of the Atlanteans, right, they are not from the Lemurians?

Samael Aun Weor: No, Atlanteans!

Student: But these were made first?

Samael Aun Weor: Yes. The pyramids of ancient Mexico predate those of Egypt. Precisely, during the time when Atlantis existed, we had two places of pilgrimage: one, well, was here in Yucatan, the lands of the Mayab, in general, and the other was Teotihuacán; two places of pilgrimage... I say: that was a place, including Teotihuacán and the Mayab; and the other place was Egypt.

Sometimes the pilgrimages left for Egypt and other times they left for Mexico. And those pilgrimages were made through Atlantis; but the ones constructed in Mexico are older than those of Egypt.

So, they were places of pilgrimage: either you went to Egypt, or you came here. And there were many kingdoms throughout the country, wonderful kingdoms, great cultures, flourishing, full of great wisdom, extraordinary...


For example: we must see the case of the god Pacal, which is not his real name (they gave him that name), but, to understand each other, we will call him “Pacal”. In other words, the one they called in Palenque “the astronaut”, right? there is no such, that it is an astronaut; that's not true, no! Examining, for example, the breastplates he wears: he has nine necklaces that remind us that he is a man who worked in the forge of the cyclops (a true human)...


Anthropological Museum of Mexico City. Funerary dress of king Pakal of Palenque (7th century)

Three necklaces, or necklaces here in the throat, thus reveals the man who managed to crystallize, in himself, the three superior forces of nature and the cosmos.

Then, he has ten rings (one ring on each finger), which indicates, perfectly, the man who managed, then, totally, to intimately self-realize himself, in all the ten sephiroth of the kabbalah, just as they are (achieved in full intimate self-realization)...

As for a sphere that he carried (he carried it, I think, on one finger here), in his right hand, and the other a cube, in the other hand (it seems that he carried the cube on the left and the sphere on the right, something like this), clearly represents that he possessed the cubic stone, that is, the philosopher's stone.

And the sphere? Indicates perfection; he had full right to already use the sphere.

Because keep in mind that we use the cross here, as an instrument of Christification, of self-realization, of elimination, etc., etc., etc., but when one has already achieved all that, when one is already a perfect self-realized, then one wins the sphere, one has the right to use the sphere, one can use the sphere, because it is already done, you made it... The cross is the instrument, but when one has totally self-realized, one bears the sphere. Thus, this Pacal god (that's what we call him, because that's how they gave him that conventional name), because he carries the sphere...

Student: Master, and what is the true name of the Pacal god?

Samael Aun Weor: I haven't investigated it, I haven't investigated it... Then, the entrance to the sepulcher is sealed with a triangular stone, very well done! To remind us of the holy Triamatzikamno; to a man who crystallized, in himself, the three primary forces of nature and the cosmos; to a perfect human...


There is the need to go down to where the tomb is. This is as saying that "in order to go up, one first had to come down"...

Now, they buried him with six decapitated; they beheaded six men to bury Pacal; they bloodily cut off their heads, (this is actually barbaric! Isn't it?) With that they wanted to imply that he was a man who eliminated all the psychic aggregates, in their entirety.

Because if we think of the six-pointed star (which is the star of Solomon), which springs from the chaos of the microcosm of human; if we think of that phrase: “lux in tenebris lucet” (light springs from darkness, light from darkness, light comes from darkness, right? From chaos springs the six-pointed star).

The six-pointed star is profoundly significant, it is the seal of Solomon. Its six points are masculine; its six slings of entrances, between end and end, are feminine. Total: it has twelve radiations, which crystallize through alchemy, in the twelve constellations of the zodiac...

Tarot 24

But then, let's think about the sixth mystery, the sixth mystery, without which the twenty-fourth mystery (which in the tarot is the weaver) would not work, it would not work. how would it work? Only through the sixth mystery can the twenty-fourth mystery function.

Tarot 6

Within the twenty-fourth mystery is contained the first mystery; but the sixth mystery is essential for the twenty-fourth mystery to work (that of the great work). And that sixth mystery, well, is that of the lover, love, and that belongs to the region of Tiphereth of the Hebrew kabbalah, that is, to the Christic zone of the human being in the tree of life, right? this when it is studied kabbalistically ...

Well, he is the Christified human soul of Pacal, who achieved the perfect Christification and the decapitation of all his psychic aggregates; a soul that went through the “beheading of John the Baptist”, a soul that went through the “beheading of the innocents”, and that became completely christified.

To bear witness to this terrific truth, they beheaded six men, buried them with Pacal and sealed the tomb...

Student: Sir, does this also mean that it also symbolizes the twenty-four elders...?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, those twenty-four elders (who are inside) are twenty-four parts of the Being. We have already said that the zodiac has twenty-four masters. There are many testimonies, many books where the names of the twenty-four masters of the zodiac are given, being twenty-four orders of adepts.

Well, but the twenty-four elders of the macrocosm are one thing, and the rulers within ourselves are another thing. The powers of the twenty-four elders are located around the pineal gland: atoms or atomic gods, which are awakened and developed when one achieves Christification.

So that if a man achieves the resurrection, the twenty-four elders within ourselves (the twenty-four parts of the Being, which are fundamental), throw their crowns of triumph and victory at the feet of the lamb of god, that is, at the feet of the intimate Christ.

But hey, so as not to deviate from the Pacal god, let's now think about the question of the sepulchral lid, which is located, exactly, on the grave. Many, who examining that cover (among them this ferriz, with the division of it) thought that it was about an astronaut. That is not exact! Yes, we do not deny that there are signatures of Mars; we do not deny that. We do not deny that he is an initiate of the Martian occultism, I accept it, correct! But one thing is that, and another thing is that he has been a Martian, or an inhabitant of another planet. That is not true...

Pakal the Great tomb lid

The cross of cane that appears there (corn cane), from which it seems to descend, is clear you know that the corn, the wheat (please someone give me a massage there on my fingers, which are aching from hitting the typewriter so much).

Student 5: Yes, master...

Samael Aun Weor: As I said: corn, wheat and also rice, corn, wheat and rice, do you know what they represent? The mercury of the secret philosophy. That mercury is the metallic soul of the sacred sperm, or in other terms, speaking more concretely, we would say that it represents, we would say, the human seed germs, the sexual seed. So it's profoundly significant...

Corn was adored, much worshiped, among the ancient Nahuas, Mayas, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc., etc., etc., because it represents nothing less than the seed, and speaking in a more transcendental way, we would say: it represents the “metallic soul of the sperm”, product of the transformations of the sacred sperm, or exiohehari.

So, since within the seed is the realization of the human being, well, it was necessary to pay the due worship.

And in a cross, the corn cane, is indicating the legitimate crossing of the lingam-yoni, to manufacture the mercury of the secret philosophy and thus achieve Christification.

It appears as if this man is detaching himself from that cane, right? That many believe is a mechanical driving device, of the astronaut). There is no such! What appears here, like detaching, means that through the cross one can descend, as well as that through the cross one can ascend. The cross properly understood, as it should be understood, and that one must know how to understand...

And there are other signatures, for example, outside of Mars, there are other signatures there; I think that Sirius appears also there, and all that. I didn't take a good look at that. But, in any case, he is representing an Avatar, in the fullest sense of the word; an Avatar, a man who delivered a message to humanity, among the Mayans; a true Avatar or messenger from the higher worlds.


A jade mask is put on him, to allegorize his greatness and that no one is worthy to look at his face... A jade mask... The mask, of course, was damaged over time, but they have restored it, the jade mask

The people of Palenque are very sorry that these gentlemen here, from official science, had gone to loot the tomb, and even more so that they had taken the skull. President Echevarría has been or was demanded to return that skull. They have not wanted to return it; And it's a shame, it's a real shame...

I was exploring all that area, around Palenque (properly said) and found, well, a funerary city (a temple, a great tomb, etc.), hidden under the ground, in the jungle. I went into the jungle, to explore; I walked through a stream, walking; I got into the mountains, exploring, visiting tombs and all those things... All that is quite interesting...

But one thing is the great message that is received in Palenque, and another thing is, for example, the message that is received in Cancun. Each zone has its own message, each zone has its own message.

For example: it would not be possible to understand the descent of the logos (in its triune aspect, as holy Triamatzikamno, to fertilize the chaotic matter and finally reach the world), it would not be possible to understand it without the life, death, passion and resurrection of our lord Quetzalcoatl.

That's why in a Mayab temple, dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, I found the descent of the logos on the main portal, right? With the feet up and down towards the matter, right? But also, right there, is engraved in stone, all the life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Quetzalcoatl.

The doctrine of our Lord Quetzalcoatl was admitted among the Maya, in the form in which the Nahuas carried it, precisely to explain to us that theological truth: the descent of the logos to matter and its re-ascent later. With the drama of Quetzalcoatl, the descent and re-ascent of the logos can be fully explained dialectically...

Ch: It is the part that we are doing as an introduction to the book that we are writing, master, precisely, the gospel, the message of Quetzalcoatl...

Samael Aun Weor: Awesome!

Student: About human sacrifices to the god Tlaloc, in pre-columbian Mexico, what can you tell us, master?...

Samael Aun Weor: About Tlaloc (of which there is no doubt that you are a priest), I made against him a recrimination in the causal world. I asked him... "Why did you allow human sacrifices (baby and maiden sacrifices), back in the physical world?"

He answered: "I was not to blame for that, I never demanded that kind of sacrifice."

He also told me: "I'll be back, in the new age of Aquarius! ..."

I understand that he is going to take a physical body in the golden age, after the great catastrophe that is coming; he will take on a physical body, in the golden age of the future sixth root race.

Student: Will the resurrection of the gods then come?

Samael Aun Weor: The resurrection of the gods is coming, and Tlaloc is going to take on a physical body. He is going to re-establish the worship of the holy gods; the sacred cults to the gods, will re-enter, again.

Until now, the exclusivist monotheism (is rejecting the holy gods), monotheism has not exactly been a blessing for humanity, but quite the opposite: a curse.

When humanity rejected the gods, it became corrupted and has reached the degree in which it is today.

Student: Are the gods the intermediaries?

Samael Aun Weor: The gods are the intermediaries between humanity and the common eternal cosmic Father.

Student: Because then the doctrine of the master Jesus, the Christ, who preached of that one god, was allowed, and it was the cause, I think, of the elimination of all the other gods. Was there a special purpose...?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, our Lord Jesus Christ was a polytheist; Jesus of Nazareth was not a monotheist.

Student: This is another symbolic figure of the rise of fire through the medulla, and the chalice is above. The same this one, teacher; this one is weirder right?

Samael Aun Weor: ...there is enormous wisdom, but you have to meditate, if you want to arrive at the truths contained in those archaeological pieces...

Consequently, Jesus, the Christ was not monotheistic, but totally polytheistic.

So, in the gospel Jesus says: “You are gods (Hebrew Elohim אלהים)!” Jesus never spoke out against the gods. When? Those are things of the people; Jesus never stood up against the (Elohim אלהים) holy gods! ...

Student: In the gospels, where? In no type of gospels are they mentioned...

Samael Aun Weor: For sure! In the gospel of John, Jesus said: “You are gods (Hebrew Elohim אלהים)!” Remember the words, where Jesus, the Christ said:

Andrea Previtali Salvator Mundi

“I and my Father are one. Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law:

"I have said, Ye are gods (Elohim אלהים); and all of you are children of the most High (Elion עליון)?  - Psalm 82: 6

If he called them gods (Elohim אלהים), unto whom the word (the logos) of God came (in Tiphereth), and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blaspheme; because I said, I am (Tiphereth) the Son of God?” – John 10: 30-36

Student: There is talk of the four thrones in the "apocalypse", of the seven angels, of the seven gods...

Samael Aun Weor: In the "apocalypse (revelation)" they speak of angels. What are angels? They are the same gods of the “apocalypse”, of the gospel; all those are the gods, now give them another name? That's another thing; but those are the gods.

Student: What is the order of angels, archangels?...

Samael Aun Weor: Angels, archangels... and what else?...

Student: Thrones?

Samael Aun Weor: No!... Principalities, Powers, etc. Well, I would have to go back to remember, wait and refresh, let's see: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, well, and even more. Only those are mentioned, but there are many more... Many more. But, in any case, the angels are the gods (the Elohim אלהים) themselves... The angels, the gods themselves.

Student: ...Cherubim, Seraphim...

Samael Aun Weor: Seraphim..., those are the holy gods. Now, we do not mean that because we worship the holy gods, we are going to underestimate the common cosmic eternal Father.

We have never denied the eternal common cosmic Father; what exists is that there are two unities... ... Aelohim is the common cosmic eternal Father, and the other unity is Elohim.

Aelohim is the eternal common cosmic Father, the omnimerciful, the infinitude that sustains all; Aelohim... Elohim is different, Elohim is the army of the word, the army of the voice.

“Elohim אלהים” is (the Hebrew Elah אלה) a feminine word united to (im ים) a masculine plural, thus, Elohim אלהים means: “goddesses and gods.” A religion without goddesses, for example, is a religion that is in the middle of the atheistic path, because Elohim אלהים means goddesses and gods.

These are the two units: Aelohim-אאלהים is the first unit, which cannot be chiseled, which cannot be represented (Aelohim-אאלהים, the first unit). The second unit Elohim אלהים is pluralized: the army of the voice, the army of the gods, the great word (they can be chiseled)... ...

If we want to represent Aelohim- אאלהים. Listen, Aelohim-אאלהים, that is, the eternal common cosmic Father, cannot be chiseled...


בראשית ברא אלהים

Elohim Bara Barashith

ברית-אש בר אאלהים

Aelohim Bar Esh-Brit

Covenant of Fire Son of Aelohim

“Children of the earth! Hear your instructors, the children of the fire...” – Samael Aun Weor

The God Pacal and the Katun 13

Now it is convenient that we extend our lecture over Palenque. I have long been exploring that marvelous tomb; indeed really, Palenque offers magnificent surprises...

Around Palenque we were able to find an entire funerary city that is yet to be discovered; it is too bad that many temples and tombs are there, even today, completely covered by the jungle. We marvel at all of this; We had find some extraordinary stories among the people of Palenque...

An unusual case comes to mind, that of a certain lady from the United States. She arrived in Palenque and consulted a friend of ours who has lived there for many years, dedicated exclusively to investigating Mayan matters. The lady herself required the services of that man, expert in such matters, and he, naturally could not refuse to serve her in whatever he could.

She begged him to guide her, and he willingly offered to be her guide. But here is the unusual case: in the moments in which the guide was preparing to get into the car, she stopped him, and said: “You are the guide, but you are going to have to obey me; I will tell you where in the forest we need to stop”...

Of course, the man was perplexed: “How is it possible that she asks me to serve as her guide, and then it so happens that she is the one who has to guide me? After all, who is the guide of whom?"

They got into the car; the lady, who was accompanied by her husband, arriving at a certain place, orders him to stop, saying: “Here it is!” Sure, our guide was amazed, he didn't know what it was. She gets out of the car and asks the guide to get out, too. Her husband gets out, they lock the car, and she says: “We're going to go straight in here through this mountain, and we're going to hit the place”.

A lady recently arrived from the United States, proceeding in that manner. It was enough to keep the man quite intrigued, confused (because, after all, he didn't know what it was about).

The lady, in front of everyone, made her way through the mountain and suddenly she stopped: “Here it is!”, she said; and then she raised some stones, and to the astonishment of the guide, a human skeleton appeared, there is a tomb... ... she came back and covered that tomb and says: "let's go!". They followed her, both her husband and the guide. They returned to their car, and returned to the town of Palenque, paid the guide and left; he never heard from this lady again...

In the middle of the forest, I also arrived at the place; obviously, it was the guide who led me to the site and told me: "There is a magnetic center here. Could you, master, tell me where in this place the magnetic center is?"

I felt, telepathically, that the magnetic center was precisely where the tomb was, hidden among the stones. I told him: "Here there is more magnetic force..."

"Isn't there somewhere else?" asks the guide.

"Well, let's turn around," I told him. We turned around, and I said again: here is the opposite pole of the magnetic center...

The guide exclaimed: "Look, venerable master, excuse me, let's go back to the center now." And we went back to the center, he lifted the stones and the skeleton appeared; that was when the guide told me the strange story, which I told you...

There are many stories here, very interesting, in Palenque, which attract a lot of attention. That guide is in contact with the Mayans, and it is very interesting to know that... the Mayans are still alive...

For example, an old Mayan man was asked: "When do you think the great catastrophe that threatens the earth world will arrive?"

He replied: "In the Katun-13."

"Will your son see it?"

Answer: "No, my son will not see it."

"Will your grandson see it?"

"Yes, my grandson will see it."

"What year does katun-13 come in?"

Answer: "In the year 2043..."

A great catastrophe is indeed awaited, and the Mayans are well informed. Someone over there, whose name I will not mention, a high authority in matters of merely official, profane anthropology, affirmed that "the Mayans did not have astronomical knowledge", that "they were ignorant people"; but the reality of things is that they knew astronomy in depth, thoroughly.

Even today, they spend their time doing great mathematical calculations. The Mayans taught my friend, the guide, a system, for example, based on grains of corn and coffee, with which they perform arithmetic operations in a matter of thousandths of a second...

A great expert in mathematics, a great teacher, showed up there; my friend told him: "You may know how to use computers very well, you are a math teacher, but I challenge you to do a mathematical operation; I am going to use the Mayan procedures, with corn and coffee beans, and you use your computer."

The man said, "Really you may know a lot, but you are disrespecting me..."

"No sir, I am not trying to disrespect you; I just want to show you that the Mayans are experts in mathematics, and that while you handle a computer to do your calculations, here the same calculations are done faster than on any computer, and if you want, let's do the experiment..."

That professor, full of tremendous pride, preferred to remain silent, and looking at his watch left; he said, "He was running late," and left...

You see, then, that the Mayans are not ignorant as people suppose. They are wrong: the Mayans, really, spend their time making astronomical calculations, and they know that a world is approaching the earth that the same men of science have already baptized with the name of “Barnard star”; that planet belongs to another solar system, has a huge orbit, and is dangerously close to our planet earth. When “Barnard star” is visible to the naked eye, extraordinary catastrophic events will occur; This is not ignored by the Mayans.

Then, as it is written in the katun-13, that gigantic planet, by magnetic force, will attract all the liquid fire to the surface of our earth, and volcanoes will erupt here, there and everywhere, and terrible earthquakes will take place, frightening tsunamis and great cataclysms; this will be, according to the Mayans, in the katun-13 (year 2043); they are preparing themselves for this event, and they say: "my son will not see it, my grandson will see it"...

So, they are very wise. According to their doctrines, the cataclysm is described: “with the maximum approach of “Barnard star”, a revolution of the earth's axes will take place, the seas will change their bed and the current lands will be devoured by the oceans; then, there will be a radical change of the entire geological physiognomy of our planet”...

The most amazing thing is that the Mayans, since ancient times, judged the current humanity; they say that "as the katun-13 approaches, the men of two days would be seen on the streets of all the cities of the world, who would be the shame of this root race"... Well, scrutinizing a little about those mentioned "men of two days", we finally came to discover that they were homosexuals); "the whole world will be perverted by homosexuality and lesbianism" (something that is currently being fulfilled).

“The great universal fire”, predicted by Nostradamus, was already written in the katun-13 of the Mayans; they say that: “the fire like blood will burn everywhere”, and that: “it will burn everything that has life”. So, the Mayans did not ignore anything of all this that is to come...


Well, again, I was in the tomb of the Pacal god; I found it extraordinary. Obviously, such a sepulcher has a large stone lid, duly carved, chiseled. Don Pedro Ferriz (distinguished gentleman dedicated to great research, in matters of flying saucers, a serious man in these studies), supposes that the stone plate that covers the sepulcher indicates that the god Pacal of the Mayans was an astronaut or space traveler ...

In this regard, despite the fact that I admire Pedro Ferriz, I am sorry to disagree with him, because I was carefully examining that great stone plate and I was able to verify, for myself and directly, that the god Pacal was not, then, an inhabitant from another planet, as Don Pedro Ferriz supposes...

On that stone, which weighs several tons and covers the tomb, appears a large cross made of cornstalks, and this invites us to reflect...

Among the Mayans, as well as among the Nahuas, Zapotecs, Toltecs, etc., corn is sacred, allegorizes or symbolizes the human seed.

For example, in China, India, Japan, etc., the human seed is allegorized or symbolized by rice; And in the Christian peoples of Europe and the Middle East, the seed was allegorized or symbolized with wheat...

The cross, made of corn stalks, is obviously tremendously significant, since we well know that the cross is an instrument of liberation, not only of martyrdom. Actually, the insertion of the vertical phallus inside the formal cteis, they make a cross...

Well, and if such a cross is made with corn stalks, it is indicating something extraordinary: it is obvious that extraordinary powers exist in the ens-seminis, within which the ens-virtutis of fire is contained. The ens-seminis, or entity of the semen, or sacred sperm of the human being, contains formidable, transcendental mystical powers, which the Mayans carefully analyzed in their studies, not only in Palenque, but also in Cancun, Chichen Itza, etc.

If people knew the power that exists in the ens-seminis, they would never spend their energy clumsily, for the brutal satisfaction of animal passions; rather, they would learn to transmute it.

The Mayans knew such science; they knew, for example, that if they did not spill the cup of Hermes, that is, if they did not make the mistake of ejaculating the ens-seminis, it would be transmuted into creative energy. This is how the brain is seminized, and the semen is cerebrized.

As a result or sequence of such a procedure, a third force awakens within us, which is profoundly divine (I am referring to the sacred fire). When it ascends the spine of man, it radically transforms us and makes us true superhumans, like the god Pacal...

We descended the stairs that lead to the sepulcher of the god Pacal; a triangular stone seals the entrance (now that stone is set aside); The fact that such a stone is triangular invites us to think of many triangular stones in the gothic cathedrals of Europe.

That triangular stone would represent, for the Christian world, the Father, the son and the holy spirit, that is, the three forces of nature: holy affirming, holy denying, holy reconciling; positive force, negative force, neutral force.

Obviously, without these three forces there can be no creation; when those three forces flow in different directions, there is no creation; When these three forces unite at a given point, a creation takes place, a new cosmic unit arises within infinite space.

The same thing happens with the perfect marriage: the man is the positive force; the woman the negative force; the third force, the holy conciliation, reconciles the two. These three forces, united, carry out a new creation, and a new son, a new offspring, comes into the world.

The Mayans understood all this, and the fact that the stone that seals the tomb, the stone that seals the entrance to the sepulcher of the Pacal god, is triangular, it is interesting...


There is a pectoral that appears, very well done, on the chest of the Pacal; Very well counted, those nine necklaces represent the ninth Dantean circle, "the well of the universe"; within the human organism, “the human well”, the creative organs, and indicate that the god Pacal was a man who transformed the sacred sperm into creative energy; that he was a thoroughly chaste man, upright in the fullest sense of the word; a man who never committed adultery, a man who never fornicated...

Three more necklaces appear on his neck, representing the three primary forces of nature and the cosmos; They indicate that the god Pacal managed to crystallize, in his nature, the strength of the Father, the strength of the son, the strength of the holy spirit: the holy affirm, the holy deny, the holy reconcile. That is, Pacal managed to shape those three forces within himself...

Pacal has ten rings, on his ten fingers; this is indicating to us the ten sephiroth of the Hebrew kabbalah, a man who was filled with extraordinary virtues, a magnificent man, a true Avatar or messenger for humanity of that time; a man who gave the Mayans great knowledge.

In one of his hands appears a cube, a cubic stone, and in the other a sphere. The cubic stone tells us that this man was really so wise that he possessed the philosopher's stone, that is, the stone of truth; he was a man who had embodied the truth, who had found the truth. And as for the other, as for the sphere, it tells us that he was a perfect man, a man who had awakened his consciousness, a man who enjoyed infinite wisdom...

But there is something terrifying in all this, something that astonishes, that frightens: it turns out that they buried him with six decapitated people. It was a purely symbolic matter, but the six decapitated people are concrete facts: they beheaded six men and buried them with him; Of course, to transmit a message to posterity.

However, we must recognize that the way of transmitting this message was very bloody: six beheaded men! By this the Mayans meant that this man had eliminated all his psychological defects; because when we consult the Hebrew Kabbalah, we see the six-pointed star of Solomon the King: six points are masculine, and the six deep entrances, between point and point, are feminine; the twelve radiations are broken down, through alchemy, into the twelve constellations of the zodiac; this is how the zodiac arises...

Well, but the number six, undoubtedly, also recalls the "lovers", love, passion, etc., that is to say, that this man eliminated from himself all his passionate defects, all the psychic aggregates that made him ugly. . He achieved maximum perfection, and the testimony for posterity was the six decapitated people... If a little bit of Hebrew kabbalah were not known, then it would be impossible to find the meaning of the six decapitated...

The tomb of the god Pacal is tremendous. He wears a jade mask, which has been reconstructed by the anthropology museum; that jade mask is indicating to us, then, that his face was so perfect, that it had to be veiled from the profane (a face of a man-god)...

Therefore, a whole monument was built to bury this great Avatar or messenger of the Mayans who was called "Pacal".

Pacal was a man who worked with corn, that is, with the sexual seed. On the stone plate or lid that covers the tomb of Pacal, he appears as descending from the cross; then it is not as Don Pedro Ferriz thinks, that this man is driving some device capable of traveling through space.

A symbol of the planet Mars also appears there, to indicate that the god Pacal was related in some way to the planet Mars; But that does not mean that he was an inhabitant or an alien from Mars, but rather a man influenced by Martian radiation, a man of character, an energetic man, a strong man who knew how to teach the Mayans their doctrine...

Investigating, then, all these Mayan questions, all these anthropological aspects, we must become deeply reflective...

We are at a time when the great catastrophe is drawing near, according to the Mayans; “before the great catastrophe comes to the planet”, say the Mayans, “there will be wars in all the roundness of the earth”, and this is also affirmed by the prophecies of different sages; we are seeing wars everywhere, the world of the Middle East, for example, is currently facing a new war; calamities there are, and by heaps, before the katun-13.

Let us think that the bottom of the seas is cracked; there are some cracks so deep, for example in the Pacific, that they already put the water in contact with the liquid fire that exists inside the world; as a consequence or corollary, at this time pressures and vapors are being formed inside, inside the earth; such vapors and pressures originate, in fact, tremendous earthquakes here, there and everywhere; they will also cause great tidal waves obviously, the earth is in great agony.

Scientists know this. For example, the fish in the vast sea are running out, due to pollution; the air is polluted and many human beings are getting sick because of environmental pollution...

Certain men of science said that “if we cannot correct the smog, before 40 years, at least half of humanity will have perished.”

The lands are being sterilized at the moment, they are no longer capable of producing everything that humanity needs. We must know that there are 4,500 million people on the face of the earth, and arable land, at this time, cannot feed those 4,500 million human beings; so, the earth, at this moment, is in great agony...

The fruits of the earth have been adulterated by the know-it-alls; these with their wisecracks, unquestionably, have caused great damage: they have grafted plants with other plants, and fruits appear that delight the eye, but that do not possess the same vital powers of real fruits, and it is absurd to try to correct nature; she knows what she does...

So, my dear friends, after having traveled through the lands of the Mayab and having found out what is coming to the world in the katun-13, I wanted to talk with you tonight, to tell you... ...that the Mayans they were not ignorant, and that all the peoples of Mexico were endowed with a terrific wisdom...