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Briah is the second manifested World in the Tree of Life, related to Kabbalah.

Briah is the World of Creation and Archangels.

How are the four manifested worlds of Kabbalah are related to each other?

To comprehend how the Ray of Creation works through the four manifested worlds of Kabbalah in the universe, imagine a fountain with lots of steps, overflowing.

Each level depends on the level above. All come from the Ain Soph, the Absolute, the Unknown.

Briah, the Second manifested World of Kabbalah, the World of Creation, is influenced above by Atziluth, the World of Archetypes, the World of God.

To understand Briah, the World of Creation, we have to talk about Daath (Hebrew for knowledge).

Gnosis, from Greek, means knowledge, Gnosticism is based in Daath.

Daath is the Divine Mystery of God.

Father and Mother are eternally united in Daath.


Intellectual Kabbalists state that in Daath, Chokmah as Father becomes united with Binah who they say is the Mother. They state that Aima (feminine) is Binah and Abba (masculine) is Chokmah. This is Kabbalistically wrong; they are just intellectually speculating about Daath. They lack direct conscious experience of Daath; they have not been initiated in Daath-Kabbalah or Gnostic Kabbalah in order to traverse the Tree experientially through the initiation in Daath.

So, Gnostic Kabbalah states that the affirmation of intellectual Kabbalists about the union of Chokmah (as father) and Binah (as Mother) in Daath is not true.

To comprehend Daath we must study Briah and its relation to the Second Trimurti of the Tree of Life.

The First Trinity / Trimurti

Gnostic Kabbalah states that Daath is the union of the Father and Mother, but to understand properly we have to study Father, Son, Holy Spirit, in the macrocosm Arick-Anpin (the vast countenance) related to God, and to study Father, Son, Holy Spirit, in the physical body of the microcosm, the human being.

It is necessary to make this comparison in order to understand.

“As above, so below.”

  1. Father = Kether, Holy Affirming.
  2. Son = Chokmah, Holy Denying.
  3. Holy Spirit = Binah, Holy Conciliating.


Three forces in One = Trinity or Three-Unity (Trimurti: Sanskrit for "triple form").

Father-Son-Holy Spirit is the Holy Trimurti that expresses as Two (masculine and feminine) in Daath (the Higher Eden) through Binah (the sexual force).

These three forces in the microcosmic body are:

  1. Father = in the Head, the Breath.
  2. Son = in the Heart, the Blood.
  3. Holy Spirit = in the genitals, the semen (waters of creation).

This trinity is always in the column of the middle of the hieroglyphic Tree of life, related to balance, consciousness: Wisdom (Head), Love (Heart), Power (sexual potency, genitals) in the body.

The genitals (the Lower Eden) are divided in two poles; male, female, in the physical distinction of two “opposite” sexes.

Where is the difference between man and woman?

In the brain and heart there is no difference.

BUT there is an obvious sexual difference.

The sexual glands are the vehicle of the Holy Spirit (Binah) in the physical body.

The division of female / male is related to Binah.

The Second Trinity / Trimurti

The Holy Trimurti of the World of Atziluth expresses their Sexual Androgynism through the Holy Spirit (Binah), thus, as Abba, this Holy Trimurti through the Holy Spirit (Binah splits asunder into two halves and thus emanates the Divine Mother (Aima)). From Atziluth, Abba and Aima descend into the Higher Eden (Daath) to become Eternally United as Jah and Havah.


“As above, so below.”

Adam fell asleep; Jehovah took one rib and created Woman.

This is the symbol of the Holy Spirit (Binah) in the physical body of the Hermaphrodite Adam emanating the Terrestrial Mother-Eve.

The feminine aspect (Aima) of Divinity emerges from the Androgyny Holy Spirit, who after the split remains as (Abba) masculine.

Aima is the Divine Mother Kundalini (Sanskrit).

This division of sexes is related to Binah and is always being manifested in Daath.

This points to the activity of the sexual force, Holy Spirit, always in Yesod, and that also manifests in Daath through the Verb, Word.

The Holy Trinity of the World of Atziluth are One within each of the Two Polarities of Binah, but one is Masculine and the other Feminine.

The Holy Spirit is the one who says, “Let there be Light.”

But we have to understand that within the Holy Spirit are the Father and the Son.

Within the Son are the Father and the Holy Spirit, and within the Father are the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is why is written that the Son Christ said:

“I and my Father are One.”

“I will send you the Holy Spirit.”

So, within the Feminine aspect of the Holy Spirit, the Mother, is also the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit from the World of Atziluth, because the Mother is an extension of the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit, only modified.

The Divine Mother has three divine aspects: Wisdom, Love and Power; in Briah, not in Atziluth.

How the Son Descends into Briah

Chokmah descends from the World of Atziluth into the World of Briah through Binah in Daath in order to rule, and rules through the Sephirah Tiphereth.

So, this is the Trimurti in the World of Briah: Abba (Binah), Aima (Binah) and Tiphereth (the Child).

Within the Child is (Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth). Yet remember that the center of gravity of the Second Triangle is Tiphereth. This is why we state that the Child is Tiphereth.

How the Holy Spirit Descends into Briah

When the Holy Spirit from the Word of Atziluth creates, it does it through the mysterious Daath, through the throat.

The Holy Spirit has the power of creation, in Yesod, the lower Eden, through the genitalia.

The Trinity of Briah in the Lower Eden (Yesod) emerges Alchemically through the initiation represented in the Sacred Family as: Joseph (IO-Cephas), Mary (Ram-IO) and Jesus (Yeshua) the Child of the Two (who contains the masculine and feminine forces of the Holy Spirit, just as we contain our own parents).

But in Daath (the Higher Eden), Binah, Elohim, creates through the power of the Word.

In the World of Briah, in Daath, is the union of God the Mother, God the Father, but of the union of the feminine aspect of the three, and the masculine aspect of the three.

The Holy Duality expresses always here in the World of Briah through Daath.

The first couple: Jah (Father) hava (heva, Eve; Mother)

According to Egyptian Symbolism:

osiris-raThe Father is the union of three forces; He is Osiris. Osiris Ra is the three together; Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

His wife, the Heavenly Isis, is also the manifestation of the three forces, Wisdom, Love, Power, in Daath.

Horus is the Son of Osiris and Isis.

So the Trimurti of the World of Briah is: Osiris, Isis and Horus.

This Trimurti (Osiris, Isis and Horus) manifests in all the Monads of the Cosmocreators, Elohim, Archangels.


This is the mysterious power of the Elohim in Daath. Gods and Goddesses (Jah and Havah).

The sacred name of God in Binah is Jehovah Elohim who as Duad are perpetually united in Daath (Jehovah Elohim is within all the Monads of the universe).

Jehovah Elohim (Jah and Havah) is the Elohim ("Gods and Goddesses") that created the universe.

Elohim is the power of Father, Son, Holy Spirit in Daath (the Cosmic Chaos).

The Monads-Elohim are Self-realized Monads, Archangels.

The World of Briah is only related to Self-realized Monads. (The Monads, Archangels that have the power of creating planets, sun, stars).

How did they become cosmocreators (Archangels)? Through the mystery of the Hexagram, the Seal of the Living God.

Seal of the Living God

This Star is formed when the whole force of the Third Triangle of the Tree of Life (Netzach, Hod and Yesod) whose gravity is in the Sephirah Yesod expresses through the Sephirah Daath, thus uniting the Second Triangle (the Monad) with the Third Triangle (the Human Soul).

Tree of Life

Revelation, chapter 7:2-4:

And I saw another angel ascending from the east (the solar energy rising from Yesod, ‘sex,’ to Tiphereth, ‘heart’), having the seal of the living God (the Hexagram): and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed (with the Hexagram) the servants of our God in their foreheads.

And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand (144000 makes the addition of 9, the ninth sphere ‘Yesod’; those who unite Yesod, the Third Triangle to Daath which is above the Second Triangle of the Tree of Life) of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

We find the Star of Six Points in many religions of the world.

In every world of the Four Manifested Worlds we find the 10 Sephiroth.

When a Monad learns how to control the lower Sephiroth (the Third Triangle of the Tree of Life) it achieves complete chastity, whole control of sexual energy and becomes an Archangel.

It cannot be an Archangel, a Cosmocreator, without 100% control of the sexual force.

That is why the Archangels have Yesod upwards, connected to Daath. Pulled up, in order to make the six pointed star (The Hexagram the Seal of the Living God).

This symbolizes that the complete work the Christification or Self-realization has been done..

This is when Yesod is above, united with Daath.

The Seal of the Living God is the supreme affirmation of Christ and the supreme negation of the ego.

The Master Hilarion stated: "Its two triangles that join or separate love are the two shuttles with which the ineffable mystery of eternal life in the loom of God (Arcanum 24) is woven or unwoven." The six points of the Seal of the Living God are masculine and the six deep angles that are form between the points are feminine (in synthesis this Seal of the Living God has twelve rays: six masculine and six feminine).

These twelve rays crystallize in the twelve zodiacal constellations by means of sexual alchemy. These twelve zodiacal constellations are symbolized in the twelve sons of Israel.

The entire humanity is divided into twelve tribes; these are the twelve tribes of Israel.

Humanity is classified by the Seal of the Living God. However, the majority of people have the mark of the beast on their foreheads (their evil thoughts from their animal egotistical mind) and in their hands (their actions). Few have the sign of Christ on their foreheads.

And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

By Kabbalistically adding 1+4+4+0+0+0 = 9. NINE is the Ninth Sphere (sex). Only those who have attained absolute chastity are saved.

Then the Initiate has the power to create with the Word.

Then Malkuth becomes the Garden of Eden in the middle of the Hexagram, the Seal of the Living God, because Malkuth always rises as it is, always below Yesod.

This is the symbol of a resurrected physical body. The Initiate becomes physically Immortal.

So, let us understand the Trinity in Briah.

In Atziluth, the Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Trinity in Briah is Father-Mother united in Daath.

The outcome of this union is the Hexagram, the Seal of the Living God = the Son. The Diamond Soul. The Archangel with the Seven Christified Bodies: Spirit, Divine Soul, Human Soul (Monad) and 4 bodies (physical, vital, astral, mental).

The Mercabah (chariot) represented by (physical, vital, astral, mental) is control by the Monad, Archangel.

The Son, the Archangel, is represented by Horus, Son of Isis and Osiris.

Horus represents the complete Christified Monad, because of the work of Isis and Osiris in Daath.

Holy Family (in Christianity):

Joseph, Mary, Jesus

The Trinity related to the World of Briah.

The Archangels exist in the World of Briah.

An Archangel is a Being who is a vehicle of the World of Atziluth, but who works in Briah.

Abba and Aima (Osiris and Isis) in Daath receive the effluvia from Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the World of Atziluth.

Every member of Briah is a messenger (of Light, Atziluth, World of God).

Arche = Prince, Principal.

Angeloi = Messenger.

(Avatar in Sanskrit).

Pleroma is another word for Atziluth.

Any Self-realized being is a messenger of Pleroma, eg. Moses brought Light into the world.

The Chief of the world of Atziluth is Metatron: He is the one who brought the doctrine of Kabbalah into the world. He was the Prophet Enoch, who was taken into Heaven without dying;

Enoch was the Bodhisattva of Metatron. He abides in the World of Atziluth.

There are other messengers of Atziluth, but they always manifest themselves in Briah.

Those Beings can create a physical body like ours, but can also create a planet.

The planets of the physical level are crystallizations of the bodies of archangels.

The Archangel of the Planet Earth is Melchizedeck, who is Father-Mother in the world of Briah.

The Hexagram, the Seal of the Living God, is the symbol of every Cosmocreator within the mystery of Daath.

The mystery of Daath is manifested Alchemically in Yesod with the Circumcision of Abraham the Father by command of Shaddai El Chai ("the Virility of the Almighty God") in Yesod. So, Abraham the father (Universal Spirit of Life) through SA (the Moon) and RA (the Sun) SARAH, the Lunar-Solar Androgyne in Yesod gave birth to Isaac - The Hexagram, the Seal of the Living God.

To become a messenger of Atziluth is the point/ goal that every initiate wants to reach, to become part of the Army of the Voice in the World of Briah.

Archangels are the messengers of the Cosmic Christ, they emerge from the bosom of the Father (Ain Soph) every Cosmic Day (Mahamanvantara) and rest every Cosmic Night (Mahapralaya).

When a new Cosmic Day emerges, the Cosmocreators, the Archangels, have the power to create planets, worlds etc.

Elohim create.

Every Sephirah is represented by an archangel in Briah.

Malkuth: Cosmocreator is Melchisidek.

Yesod: Cosmocreator is Gabriel

Sephirah Yesod manifests the power of Gabriel. Gabriel manifests the power of sex, which is chastity. Gabriel taught Mohammed. Gabriel told Mary, “You are going to have a child.”

Hod: Cosmocreator is Uriel

Netzach: Cosmocreator is Raphael

Raphael, called by the Romans Mercury, also called Hermes by the Greeks; he is related to Medicine.

Tiphereth: Cosmocreator is Michael

In the exorcism of Fire we read of Michael. Michael is King of the Sun and Lightning.

Anael is the Prince of the Astral Light.

Anael is that Archangel that manifests the power of Uriel, the Cosmocreator of Venus.

The Heart temple is in the world of Briah; for instance, if you visited the Heart Temple of planet Venus, you would be in the world of Briah.

Geburah: Cosmocreator is Samael (Mars)

Chesed: Cosmocreator is Zachariel (Jupiter)

Binah: Cosmocreator is Orifiel (Saturn)

Chokmah: Cosmocreator is Raziel (Uranus and the Zodiac)

Kether: Cosmocreator is Metatron (Neptune and the Infinite)

This Gnostic knowledge comes from Samael Aun Weor, at the moment when it is necessary for God to manifest as a warrior.

Samael is the God of wars.

In ancient times, Samael was known to the Greeks as Ares, to the Romans as Mars.

The power of Samael manifested as Aun Weor (Hebrew).

Aun means Virility; the power of a warrior is in the sexual potency. Aun is the Spermatic Fiat of the First Instant/ Moment. Fiat is Latin for Light. The Whole work through Daath is done with the Spermatic Fiat (hidden in the word Aun). The beginning of the Initiation is sex. Father Mother united.

Weor - means (in Hebrew) "and Light" = (we) + (or) = “and light.” That Light is always manifested in the Word (clear manifestation of Daath- knowledge).

Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the law of three, are represented in AUN (sexual potency).

In order for there to be light, Aun must be present. Aun Weor.

Aun Weor = Strength and Light.

Strength and Light is Gnostic Kabbalah, the doctrine of White Tantrism.

Holy Heptaparaparshinokh = Law of Seven.

We have to talk of the 7 Spirits before the Throne of God.

Briah, creation, organized by the Law of Seven.

Ancient astrologers only talked of seven planets.

But Ors (our solar system) has 13 planets or 13 cosmocreators.

Sun Christ Jesus and 12 Apostles = 13 planets

Pistis Sophia talks of 12 Saviors, the 12 planets around the Sun.

BUT these are organized, submitted to the Law of Seven.

The Seven are the Highest Family in Cosmos.

These are the Seven Amenstas Spentas of the Zoroastrians.

All cosmocreators have to align themselves before the Seven Mighty Rays, controlled by the seven mighty Archangels, who are channeling the light of Atziluth in order to organize creation.

Revelation, chapter 5: 6:

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God (who command the 7 mighty Rays) sent forth into all the earth.

The Seven Spirits before the Throne of God are represented in the Lamb with seven eyes, seven horns.

The seven spirits are the Seven Archangels: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Samael, Zachariel and Orifiel.

Lamb is a baby Ram, the symbol of Aries, Fire = Samael the Spirit of Fire, the Red Christ of Aquarius is the Fifth of the Seven.


  • 7 eyes = chakras, fully developed.
  • 7 horns = 7 mighty Rays.

The Fire of Christ manifests in the Tree of Life through the Ray of Okidanock.

Christ Fire is manifested as One in Ain Soph Aur:

  • in 3 in Atziluth, Law of Three (Triamazicamno or Triamazicamno ).
  • in 7 in Briah, Law of Seven (Heptaparaparshinock).

Christ is multiplicity in the universe.

Christ, being universal, is a force that can manifest through many Bodhisattvas, through Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Samael Aun Weor.

The present Aryan Root Race is ruled by the 5th Archangel (Samael).

The future 6th Root Race will be ruled by the 6th Archangel = Zachariel. In the future the Wisdom of Christ will manifest through Zachariel.

In this Aquarian Age we must be spiritually prepared through the wisdom of the Archangel of Strength, the 5th Archangel (Samael).
Master Jesus was the messenger for the era of Pisces. But he is an exception; he is not an Archangel but a Paramarthasattya (an inhabitant of AIN, the Absolute).

Jesus works spiritually through the Ray of Zachariel (Jupiter).

The Archangel Michael was the messenger in Atlantis.

The Monads, Archangels learn through their Divine Soul and Human Soul.

  • Divine Soul learns through higher forces, cosmic consciousness.

  • Human Soul learns through human creation, related to human things.

Samael Aun Weor is the messenger of the Logos Samael.

Many books of Kabbalah talk of Samael as fallen Angel.

Samael Aun Weor, the Soul, fell three times, but never the Monad Samael.

In a previous Lunar Mahamanvantara, Samael Aun Weor, the soul, fell and rose again in order to deliver the message of his own Father Samael the Logos to that Lunar humanity.

In the end of Lemuria (this cosmic day), Samael Aun Weor fell again and raised himself in that same continent of Lemuria in order to deliver the message of his own Father Samael the Logos to the humanity of Lemuria.

In the beginning of this present Aryan race, Samael Aun Weor the soul fell again.

Samael Aun Weor rose again in this day and age in order to deliver the message of his own Father Samael the Logos to this humanity.

The Messengers of Briah are active in this Kali Yuga. They help according with the commands of Samael Aun Weor.

Revelation, chapter 19: 11-16

I saw (the Mystery of Daath in) heaven opened, and behold a white horse (symbol of the Christified, Chaste Matter through Yesod); and he (Samael in Tiphereth) that sat upon him was called Faithful (Netzach) and True (Hod), and in righteousness (Geburah) he does judge and make war.

His eyes were as a flame of fire (because he is the spirit of Fire), and on his head were many crowns (or ‘Kethers’ because he is the head of the Ray of Power); and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself (because it is a fiery name).

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in (Christified) blood (due to the annihilation of the ego): and his name is called The Word of God (Aun Weor).

And the armies (Masters) which were in heaven followed him upon white horses (because they control the matter, the lower Sephiroth, They help according with the commands of Samael Aun Weor), clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Chastity).

And out of his mouth goes a sharp (Kabbalistic) sword, that with it he should smite the (ignorant) nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron (the metal of Mars that symbolizes willpower): and he treads (in the astrological sign of Scorpio) the winepress (Yesod) of the fierceness (sexual fire) and wrath (Justice) of Almighty God (El Shaddai).

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh (Sex) a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (the foundation of the garments of Kings and Queens and Lords and Ladies, in other words, the Archangels {Arche = Prince, Principal, Angeloi = Messenger} of Heaven is Yesod).