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The Four Blessings

In the last chapter, we referred extensively to the initiator element of dreams. Obviously, we only lack the ability to use it.

When the Gnostic has kept a record of his dreams, he unquestionably discovers a dream that recurs. This, among other reasons, certainly justifies writing all dreams in his notebook or pad.

Undoubtedly, that recurring dream experience is the initiator element which, wisely used, leads us to the awakening of the consciousness.

Every time the mystic lies on the bed, goes to sleep and meditates at will on the initiator element, the result is immediate.

Usually, the anchorite re-lives such dreams consciously, and is able to leave the scene at will, to travel in the suprasensible worlds.

Any dream can be used for such purposes when we actually know the technique.

Whoever awakens from a dream can continue with it intentionally if desiring to do so. In this case, one must go back to sleep and re-live that dream experience with imagination.

We must not imagine that we are imagining.

Fundamentally, we should re-live the dream in its full and crude reality.

Repeating the dream intentionally is the first step towards the awakening of the consciousness. The voluntary separation from the dream, in plain action, is the second step.

Some aspirants take the first step, but they lack the strength to take the second one. Such people can and should help themselves by means of the technique of meditation.

By making serious decisions, those devotees will practice meditation before going to sleep.

The motive of concentration and reflection in their inner and deep meditation will be, in this case, their inner situation...

In this practice, the mystic, in sorrow, feeling sincere emotion, will invoke their Divine Mother Tonantzin (Devi Kundalini).

Shedding tears of pain, the ascetic Gnostic will lament their state of unconsciousness, and will implore for help, beseeching their Divine Mother for strength to detach at will from any dream.

The goal this tantric dream discipline seeks is to prepare the disciple to clearly recognize the four blessings that manifest in the dream experience.

This esoteric discipline is certainly only for very serious people, for it demands infinite patience and enormous inner super-efforts.

A lot has been said in Asia about the four lights of the dream state; let us study this matter. [Editor: In Tibetan tantra, the first three lights or luminosity are described as modes of self-awareness (light, increase of light, and culmination of light), and are also called three consciousnesses. The fourth is the state of the primordial unconditioned consciousness.]

The first one is called the ‘Revealing Light.’ It is written in gold letters in the book of life that this is perceived just before, or during the first hours of sleep.

Speaking frankly and to the point, let us point out that, as sleep becomes deeper, the undesirable melding of residual impressions and the usual train of discriminatory thoughts fortunately dissolve slowly.

In this stage of sleep, the second illumination progressively shows. This is known in Asia by the marvelous name of ‘Increasing Light.’

Unquestionably, the Gnostic ascetic, by means of the extraordinary Tantric dream discipline, gets beyond this stage and apprehends the two remaining lights.

To vividly experience the crude reality of practical life in the superior worlds of cosmic consciousness signifies the acquisition of the third light, ‘the Immediate Realization.’

The fourth light is that of the ‘Inner Profound Illumination,’ and it comes to us as if by enchantment in plain mystical experience.

“Here, in the fourth degree of the void, dwells the child of the Mother Clear Light,” states a Tibetan treatise.

Frankly speaking and without ambiguities, I declare the following: the Tantric dream discipline is in fact an esoteric preparation for that final dream that we call death.  

Having “died” many times at night, the Gnostic anchorite who has consciously apprehended the four blessings that present themselves in the dreaming experience, passes to the postmortem state when he dies with the same ease manner that he willingly gets into the world of dreams.

Outside his physical body, the Gnostic can consciously verify for himself the fate reserved to the souls beyond death.

If, every night, by means of the tantric dream discipline, the esotericist can consciously “die” and enter into the world of the dead, it is evident that he will then be able as well to, “study the ritual of life and death while the officiant arrives....”

After he visited the infernos, where he saw in horror the fate of the lost souls, Hermes became acquainted with unknown facts...

“Look to that side (Osiris tells Hermes). Do you see that hive of souls who try to climb up to the Lunar region? Some are rushed down to the ground, just like flocks of birds under the blows of a storm. The other ones, with the strokes of their wings, reach the superior sphere, which pulls them on its rotation. Once they reach there, they recover the sight of divine things.”

When burying those chosen by Tlaloc, the rain god, the Aztecs placed a dried branch nearby. It was said that, when the blessed one reached the Field of Delights, or Tlalocan, the dried branch turned green again indicating in this way the return to a new life...

Those who have not been chosen by the Sun or Tlaloc fatally go to Mictlan, which is in the north, a region where the souls undergo a series of magical trials on passing through the infernal worlds.

There are nine places where the souls suffer unbearably before reaching the final rest. This reminds us, in an emphatic way, of the nine infernal circles of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.

Many are the gods and goddesses who populate the nine Dantean circles of the Aztec inferno.

It is worthwhile to remember in this 1974-1975 Christmas Message the frightful Mictlantecuhtli and the tenebrous Mictecacihuatl, the lord and lady of the infernos [respectively], inhabitants of the ninth and deepest underground of those places.

The souls who undergo the trials of the Aztec inferno later, after the “second death,” enter joyfully the paradises of the elementals of Nature.

Unquestionably, those souls who neither descend to the infernal worlds after death, nor ascend to the Kingdom of the Golden Light, or to Tlaloc’s paradise, or the Kingdom of Eternal Concentration, etc., will come back or return sooner or later to a new physical body.

The souls chosen by the Sun or Tlaloc rejoice much in the superior worlds before returning to this vale of samsara.

The Gnostic anchorites, after having grasped the four lights of dreams, can consciously visit the Tlalocan every night, or go down to the Mictlan, or contact those souls who, before returning, still live in the lunar region.